NanoSIMS Catalog

This is work in progress.

Here you can find a collection of literature related to NanoSIMS data. All papers are alphabetically sorted and linked with their DOI. If available, the associated dataset’s download page is given (not completed, work in progress).

A multi-scale approach to determine accurate elemental and isotopic ratios by nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging. -
A novel method for the study of the biophysical interface in soils using nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry. -
Advancements in the application of NanoSIMS and Raman microspectroscopy to investigate the activity of microbial cells in soils. -
Advances in the Analysis of Biogeochemical Interfaces: NanoSIMS to Investigate Soil Microenvironments. -
Aging shapes the distribution of copper in soil aggregate size fractions. -
Alteration of rocks by endolithic organisms is one of the pathways for the beginning of soils on Earth. -
Biodegradation of synthetic polymers in soils: Tracking carbon into CO2 and microbial biomass. -
Biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus in subsoils of temperate forest ecosystems. -
Calcareous organic matter coatings sequester siderophores in alkaline soils. -
Carbon Mineralizability Determines Interactive Effects on Mineralization of Pyrogenic Organic Matter and Soil Organic Carbon. -
Characterization of Biogeochemical Processes at the Microscale: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 193–212). -
Characterization of Cu distribution in clay-sized soil aggregates by NanoSIMS and micro-XRF. -
Correlative Imaging Reveals Holistic View of Soil Microenvironments. -
Deciphering the Incipient Phases of Ice–Mineral Interactions as a Precursor of Physical Weathering. -
Dynamics of PAHs and derived organic compounds in a soil-plant mesocosm spiked with 13C-phenanthrene. -
Earthworm Cast Formation and Development: A Shift From Plant Litter to Mineral Associated Organic Matter. -
Enhanced loss but limited mobility of pyrogenic and organic matter in continuous permafrost-affected forest soils. Download
Enrichment of Lignin-Derived Carbon in Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Matter. -
Evidence of organic matter control on As oxidation by iron oxides in riparian wetlands. -
Fungal Nanophase Particles Catalyze Iron Transformation for Oxidative Stress Removal and Iron Acquisition. -
Identification of Distinct Functional Microstructural Domains Controlling C Storage in Soil. -
Imaging of Al/Fe ratios in synthetic Al-goethite revealed by nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry. -
In Situ Mapping of Nutrient Uptake in the Rhizosphere Using Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. -
Incorporation of 13C labelled shoot residues in Lumbricus terrestris casts: A combination of transmission electron microscopy and nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry. -
Iron mineral dissolution releases iron and associated organic carbon during permafrost thaw. -
Legacy of Rice Roots as Encoded in Distinctive Microsites of Oxides, Silicates, and Organic Matter. -
Linking 3D Soil Structure and Plant-Microbe-Soil Carbon Transfer in the Rhizosphere. -
Micro-scale heterogeneity of soil phosphorus depends on soil substrate and depth. Download
Microscale spatial distribution and soil organic matter persistence in top and subsoil. -
Microscale soil structures foster organic matter stabilization in permafrost soils. -
Mineral protection of soil carbon counteracted by root exudates. -
Multiple element isotope probes, NanoSIMS, and the functional genomics of microbial carbon cycling in soils in response to chronic climatic change. -
Multiple exchange processes on mineral surfaces control the transport of dissolved organic matter through soil profiles. -
Mycelium-mediated transfer of water and nutrients stimulates bacterial activity in dry and oligotrophic environments. -
Nano-scale investigation of the association of microbial nitrogen residues with iron (hydr)oxides in a forest soil O-horizon. -
Nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry — A new analytical tool in biogeochemistry and soil ecology: A review article. -
Nanoscale evidence of contrasted processes for root-derived organic matter stabilization by mineral interactions depending on soil depth. -
NanoSIMS investigation of glycine-derived C and N retention with soil organo-mineral associations. -
NanoSIMS Study of Organic Matter Associated with Soil Aggregates: Advantages, Limitations, and Combination with STXM. -
New strategies for submicron characterization the carbon binding of reactive minerals in long-term contrasting fertilized soils: Implications for soil carbon storage. -
Nitrogen-rich microbial products provide new organo-mineral associations for the stabilization of soil organic matter. -
Novel Sample Preparation Technique To Improve Spectromicroscopic Analyses of Micrometer-Sized Particles. -
Organic Matter Amendment and Plant Colonization Drive Mineral Weathering, Organic Carbon Sequestration, and Water-Stable Aggregation in Magnetite Fe Ore Tailings. -
Organo-mineral interactions and soil carbon mineralizability with variable saturation cycle frequency. -
Phosphorus nutrition of Populus × canescens reflects adaptation to high P-availability in the soil. -
Porosity and organic matter distribution in jarositic phyto tubules of sulfuric soils assessed by combined µCT and NanoSIMS analysis. -
Priming mechanisms with additions of pyrogenic organic matter to soil. -
Promoting plant growth and carbon transfer to soil with organic amendments produced with mineral additives. -
Rapid soil formation after glacial retreat shaped by spatial patterns of organic matter accrual in microaggregates. -
Sequential Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide Adsorption on Pyrolyzed Biomass to Recover Waste Stream Nutrients. -
Small but mighty: Microorganisms offer inspiration for mine remediation and waste stabilisation. -
Small-scale distribution of copper in a Technosol horizon studied by nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry. -
Soil carbon storage informed by particulate and mineral-associated organic matter Download
Soil Organic Matter and Phosphate Sorption on Natural and Synthetic Fe Oxides under in Situ Conditions. -
Soil organic matter is stabilized by organo-mineral associations through two key processes: The role of the carbon to nitrogen ratio. -
Sorption of Cu(II) by Al hydroxide organo–mineral coprecipitates: Microcalorimetry and NanoSIMS observations. -
STXM and NanoSIMS Investigations on EPS Fractions before and after Adsorption to Goethite. -
Submicron structures provide preferential spots for carbon and nitrogen sequestration in soils. -
Subsoil organo-mineral associations under contrasting climate conditions. -
Synergies between mycorrhizal fungi and soil microbial communities increase plant nitrogen acquisition. -
The role of soil redox conditions in microbial phosphorus cycling in humid tropical forests. Download
Understanding the fate and linkage of N and S in earthworm-engineered peat soil by coupling stable isotopes and nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry. Download
Unexpected bulk density and microstructures response to long-term pig manure application in a Ferralic Cambisol Soil: Implications for rebuilding a healthy soil. -
Unveiling of active diazotrophs in a flooded rice soil by combination of NanoSIMS and 15N2-DNA-stable isotope probing. -
Using stable isotopes to explore root-microbe-mineral interactions in soil. -
Visualizing the transfer of organic matter from decaying plant residues to soil mineral surfaces controlled by microorganisms. -

© 2020 M. Werner