Welcome to the teaching page for Summer term 2022 . Here you find all resources and information.
In this seminar, the master and PhD candidates get into touch with diverse problems, research results and techniques from the field of research of the chair. The objective of this seminar is to improve the level of understanding of the field for the doctoral students, familiarise them with the new developments and publications, and ensure that the resesarch of the professorship stays coordinated.
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This lecture introduces computers from the lowest sensible level by introducing some theory and practice of electronic digital circuits including the basic building blocks of digital computers (clocks, flip-flops, half- and full-adder). On this foundation, very simple computers are discussed in some detail based on the Atmel family of microcontrollers (Arduino and others) and basic bus systems (I2C, SPI, etc.) are sketched. On this base, we explore the field of low-level programming including applications such as real-time software, embedded software, distributed systems, and edge computing using FPGAs and GPUs switching to higher level programming languages (Arduino C, C++11 for NVIDIA GPUs, C++20 for cooperative multitasking) where appropriate. Finally, we show how concepts from distributed systems (client-server, publish-subscribe, etc.), object orientation (inheritance), garbage collection (reference counting), and software engineering can help structuring programs even in those environments where language support is infeasible. The lecture closes with a short overview on software quality aspects including performance optimization, resource sharing, security, safety and proof of correctness, error tolerance and others.
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By completing this module, students will be enabled to work with big datasets of spatial nature both in scientific environments using cluster computing architectures based on MPI as well as in scalable computing models such as cloud computing more tailored to business adoption.
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In this module, students learn advanced techniques from big geospatial data management and analysis and are exposed to selected topics in a real-world context on the big geospatial data cluster and beyond. The module introduces examples and the students select one topic and apply this in real world in the seminar running in parallel. Thereby, we bridge the gap between theory and practice and enable students to apply techniques from the field of big geospatial data management in practice. Topics originate from latest research in big geospatial data management as presented on International Conferences such as ICDM, ICDE, and ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS and in journals such as TKDE or GeoInformatica. These topics cover aspects such as data analysis, data distribution, data management, and spatial algorithms.
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